Dog Aggression Decoded MasterClass (for balanced dog trainers)
$340.00 Sold Out

This MasterClass is for balanced dog trainers who want to go in-depth on the mechanics of all forms of aggression seen in dogs. You'll learn how to safely train reactive and aggressive dogs and you can even seek certification after the program.
When does it start?
April 23rd, 2020 - 8:00pm Eastern Time
Here's how it works;
-You'll have live access to our weekly masterclass chats on ZOOM.
-Access to our private Facebook page.
-Ask questions and engage during the live calls or after the weekly calls during the week.
-The ability to seek certification after the program. Students must pass a written test and send in before and after videos to receive their certificate.
If you can't catch every masterclass live, not to worry because you can catch up later by watching the videos at a time more convenient to you.
Each week will have a 1 hour-minute lecture, with one hour of Question and Answer. You can ask questions about clients dogs, clients, etc.
Technical Requirements: Computer, or smartphone or tablet with Facebook and access to the ZOOM app.
Dates and topics:
April 23rd 2020 - 8:00pm Eastern time.
Topic: Fundamentals
-Safe handling skills
-The fundamentals of working with aggressive dogs
-Which cases new trainers should take and which they should not take in the beginning
-Teds two-step Rehab process
April 30th 2020 - 8:00pm Eastern time.
Topic: Leash Reactivity
-Tools needed
-Multiple methods of addressing leash reactivity depending on the dog's temperament
-The role of dopamine and adrenaline in leash reactivity
-Impossibly leash reactive dogs, what to do when everything has failed
May 7th 2020 - 8:00pm Eastern time.
Topic: Dog Aggression
-Learned aggression VS genetic propensity
-Familial aggression overview
-Methods and protocols for rehabilitation
-Fear Aggression VS OCA
May 14th 2020 - 8:00pm Eastern time.
Topic: Human Aggression
-Lack of socialization VS Bad socialization Vs inadequate coping skills
-Pressure release methods for fearful dogs
-Advocacy counter-conditioning protocol for defensive dogs
-Good luck with that protocol for protective dogs
May 21tst 2020 - 8:00pm Eastern time.
Topic: Resources guarding
-The four types of RG and what to do about them
-Genetics VS learned to guard
-Piece of cake protocol for guarding
-Tools to help during the process.
Presented by Ted Efthymiadis from Mango Dogs Inc.
Price: $368.00 US Dollars. + tax
Join the over 8,000+ dog trainers who have been educated by Ted Efthymiadis online.